Get to know the core project team.

Eliasz Cichewicz
CEO & Founder

Daniel Cichewicz


Saihoko Labs is a multi-source company serving as an incubator and web3 hub for innovation-driven companies & startups. Their mission is to enable innovative companies to grow by providing them with the tools and resources they need to succeed. As a full-service digital services provider and consulting firm, they offer a wide range of resources, including mentoring & networking, software & XR development, visual & sound design, as well as marketing & media expertise.
Budan is a rapidly growing construction company that, as a partner of the ThePlots project, offers dedicated solutions for the development of spaces co-owned by the project’s community. Budan focuses on quality execution and innovation, contributing to the creation of modern, innovative spaces. Their openness to new technologies helps implement the idea of tokenization and sustainable urban planning.